Carson Pickett Visits DA

    Today at school, Carson Pickett came and spoke during X period, in Horton Hall, DA. If you don’t know who Carson Pickett is, she is a professional women’s soccer player that plays for the NC Courage. This happened on Friday, September 23’rd. This was a rare opportunity because she does not do many interviews, the ones that she does do are on talk shows, like Good Morning America and to have her speak to a small group of kids and adults was rare. My librarian, Ms. Longee, organized this. It was in a talk show / interview format in which there were two chairs with my librarian in one and Carson Pickett in the other. What surprised me was how at that time I did not realize how famous she really was and how she came in a little bit like any other speaker. I learned about what sports were hard for her and with sports she liked.

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